
NFS PS: Interview with Junkie XL at Gamespot Montag, 24.12.2007
NFS Pro StreetThe onlinemagazine Gamespot made an interview with the dutch DJ and musician Junkie XL, who also made the soundtrack for Need for Speed ProStreet.

He talks about his projects, the difference between movies and video games and the future of soundtracks.


GS: Now you've worked with Microsoft on Forza, but you've most often worked with EA. Need for Speed ProStreet marks your fifth collaboration with the publisher--what brought you back?

JXL: Well in general EA is happy with the games I have worked on. If they are looking for a music approach within a certain style they know I am the guy for it. I’d love to point out that this feels very natural for me, sometimes people ask me, 'How can EA have tricked you into doing music for video games?" But it’s not like that. It fits my style of music and my audience very well.

GS: Often racing game soundtracks just sound like music you'd be listening to on the radio while driving. However, you've composed original electronic tracks for racing games--how do you try and convey a sense of speed in a song?

JXL: It’s not easy. When you make music in these types of games it needs to have a certain vibe and it should work on your nerves so that the experience becomes very intense. It’s always hard to come up with a score that makes everybody happy but I believe that since the music is interactive and is there to enhance the game experience it’s not really a problem if the music doesn’t fit the gamers music taste exactly.

You can find the interview here:

» Junkie XL Interview @ Gamespot

» Order Need for Speed ProStreet at
» Order Need for Speed ProStreet at
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